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The studio “Π for Pilates” is located in our modern newly built property at Heraklion, Crete. It is designed according to the spirit and needs of this extraordinary method. It provides the special equipment designed by Joseph Pilates himself and now manufactured by the American Company “Balanced Body”. During every session, each trainee uses their own piece of equipment (reformer, wunda chair etc) in small groups of up to 6 people. The equipment of the method is particularly composite and complicated, so it is essential that the instructor be trained properly.

P for pilates Gym Photo

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Elina Petraki has a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education And Sports Science from the University of Athens, has completed the P.M.M.P. with Lolita San Miguel (one of the few Joseph Pilates’ students who are still alive) and the “Lolita’s Legacy” Program. She is furthering her education through workshops all around the world every year.